Nulon Australia

Australian Engine Oil Manufacturer

Nulon Australia

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Susanne Rauer | CEO | GAIA Coaching

+ 0 %

16% Increase in View Rate on YouTube

+ 0 %

Improved bounce rate
down to 26%

Google Ads | Facebook Ads | SEO

Nulon is an Australian manufacturer of automotive engine oils, coolant, fuel and engine additives, grease, fluids and specialty products.Known for their innovation and quality, Nulon has established a strong presence in the automotive industry. To expand their reach and increase market share in the competitive after-market lubricant space, Nulon partnered with Sydney Digital Marketing.


Nulon came to us with a clear objective: to grow their revenue and market share through improved digital marketing efforts. Despite their established brand, they faced challenges in standing out in a saturated market and driving traffic to both their own and their partner’s websites. We devised a multi-faceted strategy to address these challenges and support their retail partner, Supercheap Auto. Nulon needed to increase their search impression share and optimise their campaigns for better engagement and conversion.

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nulon with product
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nulon v8 team
prism shape


Recognising the competitive nature of the automotive market, we tailored our approach to maximise Nulon’s digital impact. We focused on refining their advertising strategies and enhancing their visibility across multiple platforms. This included the following:


yellow circle
dot circle
nulon v8 racer with helmet
transparent background

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