What is Facebook Ads, and what Facebook advertising services can I take advantage of?
Facebook Ads is a PPC advertising model featured on the Facebook platform that offers numerous features that businesses can take advantage of to reach their target audience and boost brand exposure. This includes unlocking Facebook Ads services like Facebook Offers, the Facebook Audience Network, Dynamic Product Ads, User-Friendly Ad Objectives, Canvas Ads, and Instagram Stories Ads.
These features enable businesses like yours to effectively target users regardless of where you might find them on the platform or how they prefer to be reached.
Why should my business advertise on Facebook?
Social media marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. Massive social media platforms like Facebook allow you to tap into a user base totalling in the billions, helping you reach those who need your products and services. More importantly, Facebook Ads is a versatile platform, allowing you to personally tailor each and every ad to appeal to each of your target audiences when you advertise on Facebook.
When you enlist the help of Sydney Digital Marketing’s Facebook advertising services, you’re working with content specialists who understand how your customers engage with Facebook Ads and each of its features intimately, thereby giving you the success you wish to cultivate with each of your ad campaigns.
What makes a good Facebook ad?
An effective and compelling Facebook ad is one that is made with your audience in mind. Despite having more than two billion users, posting an ad and hoping that it has the right impact is not a cost-effective way to advertise on this platform. The best Facebook Ads agency (and we here at SDM) helps clients maximise their ROI through A/B testing, creative and optimised ad copy, and a deep understanding of your target audience.
Don’t take the cookie-cutter approach to Facebook Ads. Get the support you need with the help of a specialised Facebook Ads Agency in Sydney, Sydney Digital Marketing.
What are the Facebook advertising costs that will impact my campaign?
Naturally, your marketing budget is one of the most important focuses of your Facebook Ads campaign. Knowing how much these ads cost will play a critical role in your reach. So, what are the Facebook advertising costs that accompany your campaign?
Facebook Ads eliminates the stress of dealing with set costs by giving you full control over your ad spending. How? Facebook Ads offers two ad models to help your business stay within its budget: campaign spending limits and account spending limits.
If you’re just dipping your toes into the world of Facebook Ads, starting out with a singular campaign and setting a budget threshold that you can’t exceed will make it easier to stop overspending in its tracks while testing out the platform for yourself.
Of course, you might not be running just one campaign. You might be running several campaigns, each personally tailored for the different demographics you’re targeting. In this scenario, you can use account spending limits, setting a cap on how much you spend across all of your Facebook Ads campaigns.
Regardless of your chosen model, Facebook Ads helps you maintain control over your spending so you can spend as little or as much as you want without going over in the process.
Is a Facebook advertising strategy worth it?
Doing your due diligence is important as a business owner, and you might find yourself asking, are Facebook Ads worth investing in? While the platform boasts over a billion active users, some business owners may still wonder how much engagement and conversions they will actually see when they create a Facebook advertising strategy of their own.
Recent research shows that the average conversion rate for Facebook Ads is anywhere from 9 to 10%, and while ROI will depend upon numerous conditions and vary from industry to industry, one study from 2013 revealed that retail advertisers averaged a 152% ROI.