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Mobile SEO: How To Optimise Your Website For Mobile Devices

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Mobile SEO Is Frequently Overlooked. Here’s How You Can Optimise Your Website For Mobile…

When you first begin working on your website, your focus may lie solely on ensuring that everything looks great when you access it on your computer. The problem? When you’re only focused on the desktop experience, you’re missing out on a considerable audience that will be conducting search queries from mobile devices.

In fact, research shows that 63 per cent of organic search engine visits were conducted via mobile devices in the fourth quarter of 2021. Put simply, if you want to reach today’s consumers, you have to employ mobile SEO to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. This can be accomplished with a solid mobile SEO strategy.

But what exactly is mobile SEO, and what does it look like? If mobile issues have been making it difficult to improve your reach and grow your traffic, this comprehensive guide will help you better understand mobile SEO and how you can begin working on your own strategy.

What Is Mobile SEO And Why Is It Important?

Aptly named, mobile SEO is the practice of optimising your website for mobile devices, whether these be electronics like smartphones or bigger items like tablets. Mobile SEO and desktop SEO are relatively similar, but we’ll dive deeper into what the differences between the two are in the next section.

Why is mobile SEO important? While desktop and laptop computers are still a staple for the average consumer, more and more people have mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Whether they’re on the go or want a more convenient search experience, they’re naturally going to use these devices for queries or to find products or services.

Much like with your desktop website experience, users are less likely to stay on your page if it suffers from design issues, bugs and slow loading times, or other problems that make it impossible to use. If you want to reach these users and maintain their attention, you need to optimise your website for desktop and mobile.

Put simply, mobile SEO is an essential aspect of any modern business’s digital marketing strategy, and it’s critical to your success that you establish an SEO strategy for both desktop and mobile devices. But where do the two vary? What do you need to focus on in order to get the most out of your SEO efforts?

Mobile SEO Vs Desktop SEO

There’s a lot of overlap between mobile SEO and desktop SEO, but there are some major distinctions that will ultimately affect how you approach your strategy. What are some of the key focuses of mobile SEO? Let’s take a look at a few differences between the two.

Mobile and desktop SEO do share some similarities, but it’s important to understand the key differences listed above and how they will make it a bit more challenging to tailor your content and optimise your website for the best possible results. 

How To Check For Mobile SEO Keyword Ranking And Traffic

Mobile SERPs can change where and how you appear to those conducting relevant search queries. The good news? You don’t have to stay in the dark about why your organic traffic is not performing as well on mobile as it is on desktop. 

How? All you have to do is use Google Search Console’s Performance Report! Just go to Google Search Console’s Performance Report, click on “new”, click on “device”, and compare your click-through rates (CTR) to see what the difference is between devices, especially for certain keywords. 

Once you know how well you’re performing on each device and what the analytics are telling you for the keywords you’re looking to rank for, you can develop a strategy to boost your rankings on mobile searches. 

But with that in mind, what are some of the best ways to boost your mobile SEO rankings? How do you set yourself and your business up for success? 

Mobile SEO Best Practices

As with your comprehensive SEO strategy, there are some essential guidelines to follow to ensure that you’re getting the desired results. While you shouldn’t scrap the SEO best practices for desktop, there are a few you need to add that affect mobile specifically. Let’s take a look at some of these mobile SEO best practices.

With the right tactics, crafting a mobile SEO strategy that helps you attract viewers on desktop and mobile is more than possible!

Get The Mobile SEO Support You Need With Sydney Digital Marketing

Mobile SEO can be difficult to navigate, especially if this is your first time focusing on it in your broader SEO strategy. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Sydney Digital Marketing is your go-to mobile SEO agency in Sydney! We’re here to help you with all of your SEO needs and any other digital marketing needs you might need support with.

Ready for high-quality SEO agency Sydney support? Contact us at Sydney Digital Marketing today!