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Display vs Search Ads Everything You Need to Know
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Google Display Ads Vs Google Search Ads: Everything You Need To Know

Display vs Search Ads Everything You Need to Know

Google Ads Offers Several Types Of Google Ads Formats To Choose From. Here’s What You Need To Know…

Google Search ads and Google Display ads are both forms of online advertising. However, they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will discuss the differences between Search ads and Display ads, as well as how to choose the best type of Google Ads campaign for your business.

Why Use Google Ads To Grow Your Business?

Before we dive into examples of Google Search ads and Google Display ads, some businesses might be wondering why they should use Google Ads at all. The reality is that Google Ads has a lot to offer for small businesses, and these benefits can really help you thrive as you work toward scaling your business.

Some reasons to turn to Google Ads for marketing include:

That being said, you will have to make some choices as you navigate the platform. This includes choosing between Google Display ads and Google Search ads. Let’s take a closer look at both to better understand what they achieve in your ad campaign.

What Is A Google Display Ad?

As we stated above, there are multiple types of Google Ads campaigns that businesses like yours can choose from. However, most will find themselves choosing between Google Display ads and Google Search ads.

So, what is a Google Display ad? Aptly named, a Google Display ad is a type of ad that’s advertised on a wide range of websites in the Google Display Network. Think about when you browse the web. If you’re like most, you see a wide range of banner ads and other advertising assets, all of which are Google Display Network ads.

These visual advertisements can help you get the word out about your business and help foster brand awareness before people even begin looking for your business or making related search queries that might lead them to you. There are also several Google Display ad sizes to choose from to help you make the most of your ads.

What Is A Google Search Ad?

A Google Search ad is the most common type of ad that we think about when we talk about Google ads campaigns. A Search ad is a type of ad that appears on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Rather than placing your ads on a wide range of websites to get your message in front of people, Google Search ads instead focus on displaying your ad to users who are conducting search queries keywords with the keyword (or related keywords) you’re using to optimise your advertisement.

Both of these options (and variations like Google Ads Dynamic Search ads) offer their own sets of advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to compare and contrast the two before you work on your campaign.

The Differences Between Display Ads and Search Ads

Now that we know exactly what Google Display ads and Google Search ads are, it can be helpful to compare them to see which would be the most appropriate fit for your marketing needs. Here are some of the key differences between the two that will ultimately affect your choice:

No matter which piques your interest most, make sure to use the comparison chart above to better understand what Google Search ads and Google Display ads have to offer and how they differ from one another.

How to Choose the Best Option for Your Business

So, how do you choose the best type of ad for your business if you’re stuck between Google Search ads and Google Display ads? Now’s the time to visit your marketing strategy and determine your goals. Are you looking to reach out to a specific audience in your area that needs your services? If so, you might prefer Google Search ads.

Are you trying to expand your reach and online visibility quickly? You might prefer Google Display ads instead. In some cases, you might even want to leverage them both and have them running side-by-side to get the most out of your Google Ads campaign!

Need Help With Your Google Ads Search Campaign Or Display Campaign?

Are you looking for support with Google search advertising or help navigating the Google Display Network? Do you want an experienced digital marketing agency that knows what they’re doing? Sydney Digital Marketing is here for you!

We’re a full-scale digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses like yours create thriving Google Ads campaigns that boost conversions and drive results.

Reach out to the team at Sydney Digital Marketing today!