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Think Different

Purple background with grey Apple logo centred in the middle

In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple, a company on the brink of bankruptcy. With one speech, he not only repositioned Apple’s brand, but also reignited the company’s innovative spirit with the “Think Different” campaign. This campaign was the turning point for Apple, establishing it as one of the most successful and influential companies today.

Applying Steve Jobs’ “Think Different”Approach to Modern Branding

Jobs’ speech was not only inspiring, but it also had several key principles that are still applicable to marketing strategies and brand development for businesses today. Let’s delve deeper into the essence of this momentous speech and extract crucial takeaways for business owners and marketing managers.

Unveiling the Genius: The “Think Different” Speech

When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was facing a crisis of relevance. Their messaging was scattered, they lacked a unifying vision, and the brand was perceived as lacklustre. But, with the “Think Different” campaign, Jobs sought to reposition Apple as a beacon of innovation and creativity.

The speech began with a profound question: “Who is Apple and where do we fit into this world?” Jobs emphasised Apple’s role as a company that sat at the intersection of technology and liberal arts, one that was dedicated to serving the people who dared to challenge the status quo and think differently.

His speech encapsulated Apple’s essence, positioning the brand as a companion for innovators, pioneers, and rebels. This was visually embodied in the campaign’s first ad, “Here’s to the Crazy Ones,” which featured iconic personalities like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi – individuals who changed the world by thinking differently.

Takeaway 1: Understand and Articulate Your Brand Identity

The first lesson to glean from Jobs’ speech is the importance of a well-defined brand identity. Jobs gave Apple a clear identity, one that revolved around innovation, creativity, and non-conformity. Today, businesses should prioritise identifying their unique attributes and values, which form the foundation of their brand identity. This will guide their strategies, messaging, and customer relations.

Takeaway 2: Make Emotional Connections

Jobs didn’t just sell products; he sold emotions, dreams, and aspirations. He painted a vivid picture of Apple’s mission that inspired and resonated with people. Today’s consumers seek more than just products or services; they seek experiences and emotional connections. Businesses should strive to understand their customers’ desires, needs, and aspirations, incorporating these insights into their marketing strategies to create a lasting emotional bond with their audience.

Takeaway 3: Consistent Messaging Across All Platforms

Consistency was another cornerstone of the “Think Different” campaign. Whether it was print media, television commercials, or product design, the campaign’s theme was reflected everywhere. This consistency amplified the campaign’s impact and helped embed Apple’s brand identity in consumers’ minds. Today, with an even greater number of platforms available, businesses must ensure they deliver consistent messaging across all touch-points, from social media to in-store experiences, to reinforce their brand identity.

Takeaway 4: Challenge the Status Quo

Jobs encouraged non-conformity, pushing boundaries and challenging the norm. He demonstrated that to be different, businesses must take risks and challenge the status quo. Today, businesses should embrace this spirit by pursuing disruptive ideas, technologies, and processes. Breaking from tradition may seem daunting, but it’s often the first step towards innovation.

Takeaway 5: Create a Movement, Not Just a Brand

Lastly, Jobs’ speech helped transform Apple from a mere brand into a movement. “Think Different” wasn’t just about Apple; it was a clarion call to all who dared to think outside the box. By fostering this sense of community, Jobs created a loyal customer base. Today’s businesses can emulate this by going beyond selling products or services and championing causes their audience cares about, thereby building a community around their brand.

Final Thoughts

Steve Jobs’ “Think Different” speech serves as a timeless guide for businesses and marketing managers. His insights into brand identity, emotional connections, consistent messaging, challenging the status quo, and creating a movement offer valuable lessons for modern marketers.

Regardless of the size or industry of your business, applying these principles can help differentiate your brand and cultivate a loyal customer base.

Just remember, as Jobs did, to “Think Different.”