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Online Marketing Tips in the Time of Corona Virus

online marketing tips during covid 19

Online Marketing Tips in the Time of Corona Virus

Alright – so thanks for joining me here on the Hustle at Home – If you’re a business owner you’re probably here because you need to increase your web site performance or social media activity and if your a marketing professional I want to tell you about how you can use this at home time – to upskill and deepen your digital knowledge. There has never been a more urgent need for business to examine there online presence – sadly we don’t know how long this situation is going to last but hey let’s make the most of this time while we can.

Online Marketing Tips

Site Speed – Did you know that Google values the speed at which your website loads as the number one ranking factor for getting onto the top few positions on Google. And it ranks how quickly it loads on mobile devices even higher. Just because your website loads fast on desktop doesn’t necessarily mean it will load fast on mobile – there’s a whole bunch of technical reasons for this but just know that the 2 devices – mobile and desktop do not treat your website the same. When we onboard a new client here at Sydney Digital Marketing the first thing we do is a 100 point audit on the clients website – I am constantly amazed how poorly most websites are configured and built – Web development companies Amy be great at building sites but not so good at optimising them for Google and hence you are losing business by not being found on Google – if your site takes more than 3 seconds to load – Google instantly views your site as slow. Which means no page 1 ranking for you – your business may as well not exist. Sp head on over to the google speed test now and give your site a quick test – if your taking longer than 3 seconds and you wan two know what to do please hit us up at the contact us button above.

Call tracking – With people under the pump working from him and juggling kids as well as work – we have even less time to get things done – people are jumping on the phone to get instant answers or they’re looking for 24/7 access to businesses (more on that in part 3) – how easy to do business with are you? Are you tracking calls do you know where your enquiries are coming from so you can adjust your marketing spend accordingly – there are some fantastic call tracking platforms out there these days such as CallRail or Avanser that can track wether your calls have come from Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Google YouTube or good old print ads – not only can you see what keyword is generating the call but with smart integration you can synch this with your crm so you can tell what marketing is generating both leads AND sales – again ensuring you can keep eye on ROI and where to spend dollars that result on sales.

Chat bots – No I’m not talking about live chat where you have to be on the end of a chat program whilst your also juggling a hundred other tasks – I’m talking about clever logic based chat bots or messenger bots that are active 24 hours day and can provide instant access to customers or prospects that have questions regarding your products or services. We work with Hubspot which has a great full service suite of marketing and CRM tools but another one we have come across recently is DRIFT – which is a chat bot only platform but super powerful and really easy to set up its used by some big brands and you can check them out at drift.com If you want to try a bot without jumping in boots and all then the Manychat platform is also worth a look and bolts in seamlessly with Facebook Messenger. And with open rates of 80% plus for Facebook messenger vs 30 to 40% for email a chat bot or messenger bot definitely be in everyone’s suite of marketing tools.

Now if you’re a marketing professional looking to upskill There’s never been a greater need for marketers to innovate. It’s vital we adapt our thinking across the board in terms of revenue generation, product, pricing, distribution and customer engagement – one of our clients ADMA has recently partnered with Mark Ritson and With the economic turmoil Australian businesses are experiencing through coronavirus, it’s vital we find ways to keep going (and growing). There are clear solutions and we can all be part of them. As marketing’s largest industry body, ADMA reacted quickly recognising that now more than ever, marketers need to innovate, thinking differently about how we generate revenue, pricing, product, distribution and customer engagement. This is the marketing course for right now. – we’ve put the link to the course here and below it’s just $445 for 12 weeks -it’s online and starts on April 20th. Now if any of the above resonates with you in regards to improving your website performance, tracking your calls or putting in place a better customer experience using Bots and you’d love to learn more but are too busy running your business then get in touch with us. There has never been a more urgent time for business to make sure they are easy to do business with.